Friday, 27 March 2009

Electric Sheep

I'm back! Well rested and geared up for a new project, so allow me to introduce you to Electric Sheep, my new podcast.

Although I may appear to be joining the bandwagon a little late, I was actually something of an early adopter and made a series of podcasts a few years ago. However they weren't about knitting and they weren't hosted by me (rather I was recording some talented friends) so it's new territory to be the one doing the talking this time!

The basic idea is simply to look at what's online and what's in London in the world of knitting. I'm still working out what I want to do with it, so the remit is intentionally a little vague for now. I like to think it's a bit of an adventure, so we'll see where we end up.

I'll still be blogging here, so to keep things simple there's a separate blog page for the podcast:

Or of course you can simply click through the link on the right.

Enjoy, and let me know what you make of it.


Woolly Stuff said...

Your podcast is really cool! I hope you'll continue...

Hoxton said...

Thanks for listening! I think you may be my entire audience!